Monday, December 8, 2008

This Girl = 9 years {Happy Birthday Gracie!}

{9 Things You Didn't Know About Gracie}

* She is the only child I experienced the real labor pains with. Got all the way to pushing and she wrapped her cord around her neck.

* She was originally named Maggie Marie Noble, but after about 8 hours of looking at her, we decided she looked more like a Gracie Josephine.

* She has naturally curly hair (a nice body curl).

* She has had Baby Boy (as seen above, ratty tatty rag doll) since she was 1 year old. I should say some type of rag doll like the one above, she's been through many, but this one has lasted about 5 years and she goes to sleep with him EVERY night.

* Her favorite ride at Disney World was the Tower of Terror.

* Her favorite fruit is an orange.

* Her favorite foods are tacos and spaghetti and she even enjoys sesame chicken chinese from Hyvee.

* She had a febrile seizure at the age of 4 and was transported by ambulance to Illini Hospital where her fever was over 104 degrees.

* She loves to ride her bike, make crafts and sing. Her favorite singer is Taylor Swift.

Happy Birthday Gracie baby! I love you more than life itself. I love you to the moon and back sweetie pie.

Love, Mommy