Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
All Hallows Eve
Posted by Christine at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Tis the Season of Sports
Posted by Christine at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Darn it! I uploaded these backwards, but you catch the drift....Hannah got her cast off today! Believe me, it was a highly anticipated day around here which required many big red circles with hearts and a "Yeah" on the calendar. These photos are of her cast front and back, signed by family and friends, the "saw" used to cut the cast, Hannah's reaction to the saw (note the one tear coming down her face), prying the cast apart and Dr. Shawn Wynn, her orthopaedic surgeon, checking over the newly healed wrist. He said her wrist is healed completely, no permanent damage and she can go back to gym class on Monday. She is THRILLED to hear that. Can't wait til Christmas - we are very bad about "gag gifts" for funny things that have happened throughout the year so I'm anticpating about 10 pairs of flip flops for Hannah. THIS was our big news of the day. I know, not so much headline news anywhere else but here at home this is Extra, Extra and Special Report information.
Posted by Christine at 6:32 PM 0 comments

Here is the new and improved window frame!! I put no background paper behind the photos, it is just glass so what you "see through" is the same color as my walls. I added some Fancy Pants Crush rub-ons and one Heidi Swapp "Family" stamp. Voila! Different, huh?
Posted by Christine at 1:01 PM 1 comments
A little of this and a little of that....
Here are some photos from around the house. First is a window pane collage I did a few years ago and it was my first venture into trying anything "non-scrapbooking" turned out well, but it is currently looking a little out of date. I wanted one last picture of it before I tear it apart and redo it. Have some really cool ideas cooking for the new one, will post when it is complete. Below that are some fall pics - pumpkins, gourds and such in a wire basket I picked up at a fall craft show in Galva. Beyond that are pics of our front tree turning leaves and a pic of some of the 100,000 leaves already congregating on my front lawn. (Yes, I have mulched them already twice this week, to no avail!). Next is a plate of yummy homemade sugar cookies that I whipped up over the weekend. This plate is what is left of the 200+ cookies I made. PS - No we did not eat them all. Some went with to the Halloween party, some to work with Lance and some to church. The rest we ate, lol! Next is Miss Creative Halloween Third Grader Gracie's Halloween pumpkin that she painted at school. Last, is what I found when I got up this morning. Avery had marked her spot with notebook paper and tape, obviously not wanting anyone to take her chair. PS - Someone else wrote the name (not sure if Hannah or Gracie) but that is not Avie's writing. She can do it, just not that neat yet! And, then when I looked at her place setting she had already set out my ipod to listen to while eating her breakfast. All of this she did before going to bed last night because I was up before her. She's got a little obsessive-compulsive streak in her! And, anyone want to guess what big event is happening today? Hmmm, I'll let you think about it and will post later!
Posted by Christine at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Scrapping and Fall
Here's a couple of scrapbook layouts I did for a blog challenge. The challenge was to scrapbook some school photos. I only had time to do these two but I will do a Gracie layout and post soon. Promise. Love these papers, especially the owl papers. I feel so lucky to have girls that enjoy school, learning, their teachers and friends. They are each so different, but in other ways they are so alike.
It's a rainy day here - I didn't expect that when I went to bed this morning. Slept really well, guess the rain is why. Our weekly to do list is pretty packed. I am off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday so I am hoping to get some fall cleaning done since the leaves are starting to fall and there's a serious chill in the air. Until the next time...
Posted by Christine at 2:25 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Happy Halloween Preview
Posted by Christine at 8:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Birthday Crazy!
Posted by Christine at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Random photos of the week
Here are some random photos of happiness from the over the weekend through today. On Sunday, we drove to Tanner's Apple Orchard in Stark County and spent the afternoon picking pumpkins, playing in the playground area and picking out yummy apples and treats to bring home with us. We picked out apple cidar doughnuts, red raspberry preserves, honeycrisp apples (seriously, THE best apples I have ever tasted), caramel popcorn puffs and our indian corn, gourds and pumpkins. The girls love it there because there is so much to do and I love it there because it is a photographer's dream.
Posted by Christine at 2:35 PM 1 comments